You’ve weighed your options between an above ground fence and an in-ground fence and decided to go with the latter. There are a few common misconceptions about in-ground fences, especially when it comes to which brand you choose. Before you make your purchase, read up on common pitfalls and misconceptions.
Boundaries and Shocking
When most people invest in an in-ground fence, they understand that if dogs run past the boundary, they get shocked. Dogs also get shocked for coming back. A traditional in-ground fence will shock a dog once after it goes about 6-8 feet outside of the boundary. That means once the dog gets past that initial shock, they can keep running free all day in your neighbor’s yard without enforcement. They’ll also receive a shock when they come back home. This can be confusing for the dog, who is essentially being punished for coming back home. Prairie Peak offers a different option though. The system Prairie Peak offers uses anti-run technology, so the shock zone is not limited to a 6-8-foot area. Instead, the shock zone is an infinite distance that times out after 15 seconds for safety. This means dogs won’t pass a 6-8-foot barrier and keep running, and they won’t be shocked for coming home. There is a welcome home feature instead.
Prairie Peak also offers a system with a rechargeable waterproof lithium-ion battery. Most other systems use a battery that needs to be purchased and replaced. The collar is small enough to be put on small breeds, like Shih Tzu, Maltese, and Yorkies. It’s adjustable too, so it can be used on the most powerful and largest breeds, like Great Danes, Newfoundlands, and Mastiffs.
There’s also a common misconception that dogs won’t understand the in-ground fence system. With proper training and advice, your dog will already understand the new boundary by the end of their first day of training.
It’s best you rely on experts to install the in-ground fence. They’ll bury the wire 2-3 inches underground. Prairie Peak uses a machine that trenches the dirt, buries the wire, and backfills the dirt all in one quick, high quality, and efficient process. If you install the system yourself, there is the chance the fence can get buried in inefficient or inconsistent depths.
Be sure to consider all of the above factors before investing in an in-ground fence system.
An in-ground fence is a superior fence choice as long as it’s installed and operated properly. If you have any lingering questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call or shoot us an email!