Are you on the *fence* about an in-ground or above ground fence? Well, you’ve come to the right place. You might have a brand-new puppy, or a younger dog that is a bit unruly—either way, we’ll break down the pros and cons of each fence option to help make your decision easier.
In-Ground Fences
An in-ground fence can also be called a wired or underground fence. Because it’s buried underground, it creates a hidden boundary line for your dog. Your dog wears a receive caller that communicates with the signal transmitter that creates the boundary. Though it has a higher cost than other fence options, in-ground fences are highly reliable and they last.
The shape of your yard isn’t an issue with an in-ground fence because it can be customized to your space—large or small. They’re perfect for large spaces and can even accommodate rough terrain. Installation can be a bit more difficult—especially if there are hills and rockier terrain to work with—but experts can easily install the in-ground fence for you. They’ll bury the wires about 2-3 inches below ground. Maintenance is minimal. You may have to replace or charge the battery, and breaks in the boundary wire are rare. If you move, simply take the collar and transmitter with you, and reinstall perimeter wire at your new home.
Your dog will need to be trained on an in-ground fence, but dogs typically catch on pretty easily with the proper training. Walking them around the perimeter for a few minutes every day for several days should be enough time to get them acclimated to the new system.
Above Ground Fences
An above ground fence is another option for your dog, though it is not as accommodating to rough terrain and large yards. The larger the yard, the more expensive your fence will be. Traditional fences are great for smaller yards, and they can be more affordable than an in-ground fence. Consider that if you move, you probably won’t be able to take the fence with you. You’ll need to build a new fence at your new place.
Traditional, above ground fences may not be as effective for dogs that are prone to hurdling over things or chewing. Their sole mission may be to get over or under the fence by any means necessary. In addition to normal wear and tear, if your dog does manage to damage your fence, maintenance will be more extensive than it would be with an in-ground fence. However, you won’t need to train your dog with an above ground fence like you would with an in-ground fence.
Some dog owners are wary of dog shocking, which is why they opt for a traditional above ground fence. Additionally, this type of fence doesn’t require a power source like an in-ground fence does.
Do you have any questions about the best option for you and your dog? Give us a call and we’d be happy to discuss your options.