How to prevent anxiety in puppies?

Gaining a new four-legged family member is an exciting and new experience! Puppies are nothing but cuteness and fun… right? Similar to humans, puppies can easily experience the feeling of anxiety. As dog owners it’s important to understand how we can help puppies avoid and prevent life-long anxiety! 

Early Socialization: Socialization is important for a puppy to experience, especially during the first year of their lives! A common misconception is that socialization means only dog to dog interaction, but that’s not it! Socializing your puppy means exposing them to other dogs, humans, sounds, smells, environments, car rides, and other new experiences. This will help puppies have a sense of confidence and safety in new situations. 

Some puppies can be over socialized and overwhelmed if introduced too early and quickly to these scenarios. It’s important to start with one new situation each day versus all in one time period! Socialization should be a positive fun experience for your puppy! 

Proper socialization reduces and prevents life-long anxiety. 

Routine: Create a daily routine for your puppy! Meal times, play time, potty breaks, and nap time should all be around the same time for your puppy. Routine creates security and sense of safety as your puppy will know what to expect, resulting in a decrease in anxiety. 

Training: Start Basic Obedience Training as soon as you are able to! Keeping a consistent training routine will help your puppy learn, grow, and build a closer bond with you. Start with basic commands such as: Sit, Down, Place, and Stay. 

If you are unsure where to start with training your puppy, it’s important to reach out to a Professional Dog Trainer to help you get on the right track! 

Alone Time: Puppies often have separation anxiety from other dogs or humans, especially within the first two weeks in their new home. It’s important that puppies have “alone time” and learn it is a positive thing! Start by putting your puppy in a puppy-safe play pen or kennel with a fun interactive toy such as a lick-mat or food puzzle. Giving them a positive fun toy when you aren’t directly near them will bring positive association to being alone. It’s important not to make a big deal when leaving your puppy alone. Making a big deal when leaving your puppy can cause more severe separation anxiety! 

Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Physical exercise and mental stimulation is essential for a puppy to have proper development. Go on regular walks, provide engaging new toys, food puzzles, and fun activities to keep their mind and bodies busy! Consistent physical and mental stimulation burns off excess energy and prevents anxiety! 

Preventing anxiety in puppies starts with the owner understanding what causes anxiety in dogs and creating a positive and engaging environment. The first few months of puppies are nothing but hard work. It’s important to put the hard work in now, to eventually watch your puppy develop into a confident, easy-going, and happy dog! 

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