3 Myths of In-Ground Fencing

You’ve just gotten a new puppy, and it’s time to think about putting in a fence. Or maybe you’re moving and your new home doesn’t have a fence for your active pets. You may have seen some negative reviews of in-ground fencing in your research, but it’s time to dispel 3 myths about in-ground fencing.


High Cost:

People may shy away from in-ground fencing because they believe the cost is high. In reality, in-ground fencing is an affordable option, with the typical cost coming in at a max of $1,500 to $2,000. Depending on the size of your yard, it may only cost a few hundred dollars. When compared to the costs of traditional fences, like a chain link fence, the difference is huge. A traditional fence can cost between $5,000 and $6,000.


Training and Shocks:

Some people consider traditional fences the superior option because no training is involved and their dogs won’t be shocked; they assume that the training associated with in-ground fencing is extremely difficult. But with an in-ground fence, the training is smooth for all breeds and sizes of dogs. Dogs can typically be trained within three days. You should go slow with the initial training process and keep your dog on his leash. If rushed, your dog may get confused about where the perimeter is. The ideal training time for dogs is when they are 6 months or older.


Some people also don’t like the idea of their dog receiving shocks, thinking it does more harm than good. Take the image of a dog being shocked senselessly out of your head, because the in-ground fences of today provide a shock that is no more than a slight annoyance. It is almost imperceptible to your dog—comparable to a ticklish and not entirely unpleasant sensation—and will be a quick reminder to your dog that he is crossing a boundary he shouldn’t.

Effectiveness and Size:

It is a huge misconception that in-ground fencing doesn’t work with larger dogs. The size of the dog is not related to the effectiveness of the fence. The success of the fence is entirely related to the proper training you do with your dog. If done correctly, the fence will work every time no matter the size and breed of your dog. In fact, in-ground fences are often seen as more effective than traditional fences when it comes to large dogs because some breeds of large dogs are known for climbing or jumping over wooden fences.