Are you struggling with a dog that is digging up your yard or chewing on things he shouldn’t be, like shoes? Digging and chewing in general are cries for help. Dogs need mental and physical stimulation, and if they are having these issues, it’s a clear sign they may not be getting enough of either. To help your dog through this problem, read a few of our top tips!
If your dog is digging in the yard or digging under fencing, he may be seeking more attention from you or needing more exercise in his life. Exercise your dog with mental and physical stimulation. Take him out for more outside playtime, and let him run along with you when you go for your morning jog. Make sure he has an abundance of toys, too. Classic toys, like rope toys or tennis balls, and treat-dispensing toys should be cycled in and out so he always feels like he’s playing with something new.
If you work outside the home, rather than leaving your dog at home alone all day, bring him to dog daycare where he will be placed with dogs that have similar energy levels. Dog daycare will provide the physical stimulation he needs. You will notice a dog that is a calm member of the family at night, instead of one that digs and chews.
To avoid digging under fencing, it may be time to say goodbye to traditional fencing in place of a better fencing option, like in-ground fencing. The wires go underground, so your dog won’t have anything to dig under. You can also provide a specific area for your dog to dig, like a dog sandbox. Set up boundaries or deterrents where your dog really shouldn’t be digging.
If your dog is chewing or gnawing on things, try to determine the cause. Is it separation anxiety or fear? Are they bored? To provide mental stimulation for your dog to stop chewing things he shouldn’t, you can try letting him chew on something productive, like a KONG dog toy. Bully sticks are also a great option. They are an easy to digest treat for your dog made of one simple ingredient: beef muscle. They don’t break into pieces like other treats, so you won’t have to search for pieces throughout the house. Additionally, they are good for your dog’s teeth and gums. You can even choose from different types of bully sticks depending on how much your dog chews.
You can also train your dog not to chew on things they shouldn’t. If you see them chewing on something that isn’t acceptable, interject with a loud noise and present them with a chew toy. Once they accept the new chew toy, praise them. Try to keep anything of value out of their reach, too.
If you have any questions, Prairie Peak would love to answer them! Give us a call at 701-936-9536.